International Conference on Communication in Management, Education and Play - CMEP 2012
St. Marienthal, 9-10 September 2012

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invite you to join us in the
International Science Conference


of the series:
Social communication in the real and virtual world

St. Marienthal GERMANY
9-10th of September, 2012


Conference Co-Chairs

Dr Hab. Mirosława Wawrzak-Chodaczek
prof. at the Institute of Pedagogy , Wrocław University and Wroclaw College of Management "Edukacja" in Wroclaw, (professor). Member of scientific associations Wrocław Scientific Society. Researcher and lecturer, the author of over 60 scientific publications. Research specialisation: social communications, mass media and education , public relations, social security. She is an organiser of many conferences. In 2006-2008 she participated in the research on the educational-professional mobility of incomplete-legal persons in the Lower Silesia. Diagnosis of the Support Instruments - project financed by the European Social Funds and in a research project Czech-German-Polish "Equal opportunities for women and men in the Euro-region Neisse-Nisa-Nysa" coordinated by the Internationales Begegnungszentrum St. Marienthal, PONTES-Agentur, St.. Marienthal 10, 02899 Ostritz, funded by the government of Germany- Bundestag.
Dr Jolanta Kowal
Vice Rector and a professor at Wroclaw College of Management "Edukacja" in Wroclaw, and a tutor and researcher at the Institute of Psychology of Wroclaw University. She is a Member of scientific associations PTS and PTPA accredited by IAAP. A researcher and lecturer, Jolanta is the author of over 60 scientific publications and delivers lectures and seminars on methodology of management, applied statistics in socio-economic, psychological and multicultural research. Her interests and research specializations are: organization and management, information technology in organization, methodology, quantitative and qualitative research, analytical psychology, cross-cultural research.
Jolanta acted as the conference chair for the 6th European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (ECMLG) hosted at the College of Management "Edukacja" and the Professional Development Center "Edukacja", Wroclaw, Poland, 28-29 October 2010. and International Conference on ICT Management for Global Competitiveness and Economic Growth in Emerging Economies - ICTM 2012 17-18 September 2012,

Dynamic transformations of different living spaces, an enormous spatial mobility of the Global Village inhabitants, multitude and omnipresence of modern social communication media require a responsible critical and rational attitude, gaining and permanent competence improvement in the sphere of information receiving and communicating on individual and group levels. Ability of gaining the agreement is both a condition for an individual well-being and also integration on the level of groups, societies and cultures. Charles Cooley claimed that “There is not a single society that could exist beyond people’s comprehension, there are not any individuals that wouldn’t be formed by society. This particular unity is generated within the processes of interaction and interpersonal communication.” When the functional relation of any number of people is generated that every social group is, so then in a natural way the necessity of exchange appears; the exchange of thoughts, ideas, needs, expectations, meaning agreements and values by using communication codes that are already existing or are just being formed. Mutual agreement may play the role of a certain binder keeping up interpersonal relations. It makes a favorable climate for crossing ethnocentric limitations, finally enables a multi-subjected action. Starting from primal natural educational environments that family and local habitat are, through the social groups and environments connected with education and work, up to intercultural relations, success of communication depends on the ability of meaning reading that the partners assign to certain things, phenomenon, events.


Inviting You to the conference we would like to suggest the following discussions: